Project description
Title: Advisory towards energy efficiency
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Nepal
Lead executing agency: Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS)
Overall term: 2009 to 2014

Energy is used efficiently in households, commerce and industry.
Extensive international experience has shown that efficient energy use not only saves consumers money, but also reduces the pressure on the energy suppliers and stabilises the power supply. This potential is being harnessed at various levels through the Energy Efficiency Consultancy programme in Nepal.
Energy efficiency as part of a national energy strategy. The programme assists the Nepalese Government in preparing a national energy strategy with a particular focus on energy efficiency and the sustainable use of biomass.
Energy efficiency in households. Information on the power consumption and energy costs of electrical domestic appliances allows consumers to take account of the operating costs too when deciding which model to buy. The programme helps the national institutions introduce energy consumption labels and develop energy efficiency standards for domestic appliances.
Disseminating energy-efficient biomass stoves. In collaboration with non-governmental organisations and the private sector, the range of improved biomass cooking stoves is to be extended and marketing of these products promoted. The range of uses for energy-efficient stoves is to be increased and their dissemination considerably accelerated.
Energy efficiency in commerce and industry. The programme assists the private sector in establishing an energy efficiency centre. The centre’s key task will initially be to provide professional training for energy auditors. The programme also promotes the regional networking of technology and service providers in the energy sector. Industrial companies and banks will therefore have access to qualified experts in future, allowing entrepreneurs to plan and implement measures to increase energy efficiency and to finance these measures.