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The one day workshop regarding the topic;
   “Balanced Scorecard and Best Practices”
was successfully conducted on 4th August 2011 at  A-Hall, IOE, Thapathali Campus.

 SOIES-Nepal wishes special thanks to Asst. Dean and Professor of IOE, Mrs Timila Yami Thapa; Campus chief of Thapathali Campus Mrs. Nhuchhe Shova Tuladhar; HoD of DoIE, Er. Shambhu Yadav; Deputy HoD of DoIE, Er. Spandan Sharma; Chairman of Water Tariff Fixation Commission, Mr. B.K. Man Singh.

The program was ended with the felicitation program to the BIE-063 batch students.

Thanks to the organizing committee and volunteers.  Also thanks to all friends of DoIE without whose painstaking efforts this program could not have been conducted so successfully.

1 Responses to Successfully conducted the one day workshop

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. a gr8 job by all the BIE students... Hope this sort of program keeps on going in future too.............


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