Do you like solving problems? Are you interested in how things work? Do you like working with people? Are you an organizer? Do you like working on a team? Does using computers to solve practical problems interest you? Would you like to study a blend of business and technical subjects? Are you interested in the way individual parts of a system work together? Are you looking for a challenge? If you answered yes to any of these, keep reading, Industrial Engineering (IE) might be the perfect major for you!

Other engineering disciplines apply skills to very specific areas: Electrical Engineers are concerned with electrical systems and designing circuits, Mechanical Engineers are concerned with mechanical systems and building devices, Chemical Engineers are concerned with chemical systems and explore chemical processes, and Civil Engineers are concerned with physical systems and building structures. So what do Industrial Engineers build? The short answer is that we design processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. Using knowledge of engineering, mathematics, business administration, and management, we focus on the way products and services are made and performed. Through a combination of technical abilities, people skills, and business savvy, we analyze, design, build, and manage systems. Industrial Engineers integrate combinations of people, information, materials, and equipment that produce innovative and efficient organizations. In addition to manufacturing, Industrial Engineers work and consult in every industry, including hospitals, communications, e-commerce, entertainment, government, finance, food, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, sports, insurance, sales, accounting, banking, travel, and transportation.
Industrial Engineers figure out how to do things better. They make significant contributions to employers by saving money while making the workplace better for fellow workers. Industrial Engineering is the branch of Engineering most closely related to human resources in that we apply social skills to work with all types of employees, from engineers to salespeople to top management. One of the main focuses of an Industrial Engineer is to improve the working environments of people - not to change the worker, but to change the workplace. We work to make others work better. Writing and presentation skills are very important for us. We measure employee aptitude and motivation to encourage communication, morale, and leadership. We study Japanese management techniques such as kaizen, just-in-time delivery, Taguchi methods, and kanban.

With its diversity, Industrial Engineers appeals to a wide cross section of employers and you will have the opportunity to work in lots of different types of businesses. The most distinctive aspect of industrial engineering is the flexibility that it offers. Whether it's reducing passenger waiting time for a roller coaster ride, scheduling the use of an operating room, developing a plan for distributing a product worldwide, or manufacturing superior automobiles - it's all in a day's work for an industrial engineer.
As an Industrial Engineer, you will:
Earn an excellent salary
Work with people - to make things better, faster, safer, and more rewarding
Help a company save money and stay competitive
Reap personal and professional satisfaction year after year
Work with all levels of a business or organization
Earn an excellent salary
Work with people - to make things better, faster, safer, and more rewarding
Help a company save money and stay competitive
Reap personal and professional satisfaction year after year
Work with all levels of a business or organization